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A color at the end of the visible spectrum, next to orange and opposite violet. It is the color of blood, fire, and passion. The color red is one of the primary colors in the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model and is commonly associated with warmth, passion, intensity, and energy. It has a wavelength range of approximately 620–750 nanometers. In terms of psychology and symbolism, red can evoke emotions ranging from love and desire to anger and danger. It is often used to signify importance, urgency, or power. Additionally, red is frequently used in cultural contexts such as celebrations (red is a common color in festive decorations) and warnings (red traffic lights, stop signs).


  1. Fire engine red
  2. Blood red
  3. Cherry red
  4. Crimson
  5. Scarlet
  6. Ruby
  7. Garnet
  8. Burgundy
  9. Maroon
  10. Mahogany
  11. Vermilion
  12. Carmine
  13. Rose
  14. Magenta
  15. Raspberry
  16. Strawberry red
  17. Coral
  18. Salmon
  19. Brick red
  20. Terra cotta
  21. Rust
  22. Tomato red
  23. Claret
  24. Cranberry
  25. Cardinal red
  26. Mauve
  27. Wine red
  28. Indian red
  29. Vermilion
  30. Carmine
  31. Coquelicot
  32. Vermilion
  33. Fuchsia
  34. Ruby red
  35. Venetian red
  36. Raspberry red
  37. Flame red
  38. Burnt sienna
  39. Crimson red
  40. Amaranth
  41. Persian red
  42. Rosy brown
  43. Coral red
  44. Sangria
  45. Maroon red
  46. Dark red
  47. Persian rose
  48. Redwood
  49. Cardinal
  50. Dark magenta
  51. Raspberry rose
  52. Red wine
  53. Burgundy red
  54. Cinnabar
  55. Terra cotta red
  56. Cranberry red
  57. Carmine red
  58. Ruby red
  59. Dark scarlet
  60. Venetian red
  61. Red ochre
  62. Dark salmon
  63. Persian pink
  64. Sunset orange
  65. Copper red
  66. Light coral
  67. Coral pink
  68. Red-orange
  69. Dark coral
  70. Tomato
  71. Brick
  72. Deep carmine
  73. Pale red-violet
  74. Tuscan red
  75. Salmon pink
  76. Red-violet
  77. Neon red
  78. Chinese red
  79. Rosewood
  80. Red devil
  81. Rosso corsa
  82. Sinopia
  83. Carnelian
  84. Medium vermilion
  85. Liver red
  86. English red
  87. Rusty red
  88. Flame
  89. Cardinal pink
  90. Amaranth red
  91. Chestnut
  92. Lava
  93. Venetian red
  94. Claret red
  95. Raspberry pink
  96. Dark chestnut
  97. Ruby red
  98. Maroon brown
  99. Ruby
  100. Cardinal red
  101. Dark salmon pink
  102. Reddish-brown
  103. Persimmon
  104. Firebrick
  105. Indian red
  106. Persian red
  107. Candy apple red
  108. Venetian red
  109. Reddish-orange
  110. Carmine pink
  111. Blood orange
  112. Sangria
  113. Carnation pink
  114. Burnt sienna
  115. Terra cotta
  116. Rose red
  117. Dark pink
  118. Rosewood
  119. Old rose
  120. Fandango
  121. Red-violet
  122. Candy red
  123. Venetian red
  124. Flame red
  125. Coral red
  126. Rose madder
  127. Carmine pink
  128. Coral red
  129. Rosewood
  130. Flamingo pink
  131. Tea rose
  132. Tuscany
  133. Scarlet red
  134. Reddish-brown
  135. Raspberry pink
  136. Redwood
  137. Coral red
  138. Persian rose
  139. Rose pink
  140. Tomato
  141. Flame orange
  142. Alizarin crimson
  143. Reddish-orange
  144. Vermilion
  145. Amaranth pink
  146. Candy pink
  147. Amaranth
  148. Reddish-brown
  149. Dark chestnut
  150. Coral pink
  151. Venetian red
  152. Carmine pink
  153. Coral
  154. Rose madder
  155. Dark salmon
  156. Deep rose
  157. Coral
  158. Light coral
  159. Pinkish-red
  160. Reddish-orange
  161. Brick red
  162. Coral red
  163. Coral pink
  164. Carnation pink
  165. Tuscany
  166. Carmine pink
  167. Raspberry pink
  168. Coral red
  169. Light coral
  170. Persian red
  171. Coral pink
  172. Amaranth pink
  173. Coral red
  174. Coral
  175. Rose pink
  176. Salmon pink
  177. Coral pink
  178. Pinkish-red
  179. Salmon pink
  180. Coral
  181. Tea rose
  182. Tuscany
  183. Coral pink
  184. Rose pink
  185. Salmon pink
  186. Coral
  187. Light coral
  188. Coral pink
  189. Tea rose
  190. Coral
  191. Light coral
  192. Coral pink
  193. Coral
  194. Coral pink
  195. Tea rose
  196. Coral
  197. Coral pink
  198. Tea rose
  199. Coral
  200. Coral pink
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